AI Research Group receives Influential Paper Award

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© Department of Mathematics and Computer Science

Dr. Florian Pommerening, Dr. Gabriele Röger, Prof. Malte Helmert, and Prof. Blai Bonet have received this year's ICAPS Influential Paper Award 2024.

The International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS) annually recognizes papers that have proven to be particularly impactful over the past decade. This year, the paper "LP-Based Heuristics for Cost-Optimal Planning" from 2014, authored by Dr. Florian Pommerening, Dr. Gabriele Röger and Prof. Malte Helmert from the Artificial Intelligence (AI) Research Group at the University of Basel, in collaboration with Prof. Blai Bonet from Universidad Simón Bolívar in Venezuela, was honored.

The awards committee cited the "groundbreaking techniques for heuristic search in cost-optimal planning problems" presented in the paper as the reason for their decision. The authors developed an innovative framework for deriving admissible heuristics through the application of linear programming formulations. This framework utilizes combinations of constraints representing various known heuristic families. The resulting method improved the efficiency of optimal planning algorithms and yielded new theoretical insights.

The approaches presented in this work “laid the foundations for a renewed interest in classic optimization techniques for planning, significantly advancing the state of the art in cost-optimal planning”.