/ Jana Völker

Basel Cathedral Treasury in Virtual Museum

Museumsnacht 2020

The Virtual Museum at Museumsnacht Basel 2020 (Photo: DBIS research group)

The 20th Museumsnacht Basel took place on January 17th. 38 museums and cultural institutions offered exciting exhibitions and activities that attracted around 35.000 visitors.

The Virtual Museum of the Databases and Information Systems (DBIS) research group was also part of the Museumsnacht. At Basel Historical Museum, visitors were able to beam through three rooms of the Virtual Museum and marvel at the digitized Basel Cathedral Treasury. At the moment, parts of the cathedral treasure are on display in the special exhibition «Gold & Glory» at the Kunstmuseum Basel. Other artefacts are currently on loan to museums abroad. The virtual museum of the DBIS research group brought the Cathedral Treasury back together and even made it possible to view exhibits that are not currently in Basel or cannot be shown for other reasons. Around 150 visitors took a tour through the Virtual Museum of the DBIS research group.

The virtual museum was so popular that it is already clear that it will also be part of the museum night in the coming year.