Master Ceremony of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science 2024

On Saturday, May 25, 2024, the Master's Graduation Ceremony of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science took place at Museum Kleines Klingental.
The welcome speech held by the Head of the Department, Prof. Dr. Prof. Dr. Jiří Černý, was followed by a lecture about Kriege, Konflikte sowie Energie- und Klimaherausforderungen: Welchen Beitrag leistet die Wissenschaft? held by Prof. Dr. Marcel Tanner and a personal review of his time at the University of Basel by Rstam Aloush.
The focus of the event was, of course, the honoring of the graduates of the Master's programmes in Computer Science, Actuarial Science and Mathematics. The evening ended with an aperitif in the inner courtyard.