/ Research

Prof. Isabel Wagner Featured on SRF News Magazine "10 vor 10"

Toy with integrated AI

Prof. Isabel Wagner speaks in Part 5: "Grok" of the SRF 10 vor 10 series "Artificial Intelligence" about a children's toy with integrated artificial intelligence. Together with her research group, she examined the toy regarding data security and children's privacy.

The SRF theme week "KI und wir" explored what artificial intelligence is truly capable of—its potential, limitations, and dangers. The goal of the theme week is not only to share knowledge but also to make artificial intelligence tangible for the audience: https://www.srf.ch/wissen/kuenstliche-intelligenz/programm-ki-und-wir-das-lief-in-der-themenwoche-zu-kuenstlicher-intelligenz (in German).

Part of this theme week is the "10 vor 10" series "Künstliche Intelligenz". Prof. Isabel Wagner speaks in Part 5: "Grok" about a children's toy with integrated artificial intelligence, developed in the USA, which she and her research group have examined with regard to data security and children's privacy.

The study investigating the AI-powered toy was recently presented at the IoT Conference (https://iot-conference.org/iot2024/accepted-papers/).

You can find the interview and the news report here:https://www.srf.ch/news/gesellschaft/ki-im-kinderzimmer-spielzeuge-die-mithoeren (in German).