Job Advertisement Assistant Position in the section of mathematics

In the autumn semester of 2024, there are several positions available for student assistants.

The employment is for four months of 12 hours per week; for activities without weekly correction work for four months of eight hours per week. Requirements are the completion of the basic course and the first year of the postgraduate course. Please indicate in your application whether you are interested in an 8-hour job. An 8-hour activity is only available for "Mathematics for Natural Science Students" (without correction work) and there are two exercise groups to supervise.

If you are interested, please send a written application (with a short curriculum vitae, current performance overview and, if applicable, bachelor's degree) as a PDF by email to Prof. Jiří Černý's office at the Mathematics Department:

Note on "Mathematics for Science Students":

There are practice hours with and without correction work, whereby one group has to be supervised with correction work and two groups without correction work. In this lecture, all practice hours are tied to fixed dates that cannot be postponed. In HS24 the exercises with corrections take place on Tuesday 8-10am (two groups). The auxiliary assistants for the exercises without correction work supervise a group on Mondays at 1 to 3 p.m. and at 4 to 6 p.m. (there are four parallel groups each).

Application deadline: Tuesday, May 28, 2024.