14 May 2019
12:15  - 13:15

DMI, Spiegelgasse 5, Basel, Raum 05.002


Computer Science Kolloquium: Robert Holte, University of Alberta, Canada

Heuristic Search: Something Old and Something New


I begin this talk with a review of long-established results in heuristic search and the early history of bidirectional heuristic search. I then describe a recent (2016) breakthrough in bidirectional heuristic search (the MM algorithm), which challenges long-held assumptions and exposes exciting new research directions. Although the technical details in this talk are focused on heuristic search, the general  lessons with which I conclude are relevant to researchers in all branches of A.I.

Speaker Bio:

Professor Emeritus Robert Holte of the Computing Science Department at the University of Alberta is a former editor-in-chief of the journal "Machine Learning" and co-founder and former director of the Alberta Innovates Center for Machine Learning (AICML, now known as Amii). In addition to machine learning, Professor Holte has made seminal contributions to the subfield of A.I. known as single-agent heuristic search, most notably his recent work on bidirectional heuristic search.

Professor Holte was elected a Fellow of the Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) in 2011 and received a Lifetime Achievement Award for his work on heuristic search from the Symposium on Combinatorial Search in 2018. Another Lifetime Achievement Award will be announced at the end of May


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