11 Oct 2013
10:30  - 12:00

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Isac Hedén (Universität Basel)

Extensions of principal G_a-bundles over the punctured plane

We study complex affine Ga-threefolds X with the affine plane A2 as their algebraic quotient, and which are a principal bundle over
the punctured affine plane A2*. Changing the point of view, we look for affine extensions of Ga-principal bundles over A2* that are obtained by adding an extra fiber to the bundle projection over the origin. It turns out that SL2 plays a special role, since every Ga-principal bundle can be obtained as a pullback of SL2. We construct two series of such extensions which generalize the basic extension obtained by adding a zero section to SL2 viewed as a Gm-principal bundle over P1 x P1 \ Δ.

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