26 May 2021
14:15  - 15:15

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Bjorn Berntson (KTH Stockholm)

Generalizations of the half-wave maps equation

The half-wave maps (HWM) equation is a recently-introduced integrable PDE with two distinct relations to the (trigonometric) spin Calogero-Moser-Sutherland (CMS) many-body system. Firstly, the HWM equation arises as a certain continuum limit of the CMS system and secondly, the soliton solutions of the HWM equation are governed by a complexified version of the CMS system. We present generalizations of the HWM equation that are similarly related to the hyperbolic and elliptic spin CMS systems. This talk is based on joint work with Rob Klabbers and Edwin Langmann.

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