Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Eliane Bécache (POEMS, CNRS, INRIA, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
The PML method is one of the most widely used for the numerical simulation of wave propagation problems set in unbounded domains. However difficulties arise when the exterior domain has some complexity which prevents from using classical approaches. For instance, it is well-known that PML may be unstable for time-domain eslastodynamic waves in some anisotropic materials. More recently, is has also been noticed that standard PML cannot work in presence of some dispersive materials. In some cases, new stable PMLs have been designed.
In this talk, we address the questions of well-posedness, stability and convergence of standard and new models of PMLs in the context of electromagnetic waves for non-dispersive and dispersive materials.
For further information about the seminar, please visit this webpage.
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