then he saw [wisdom] and declared it, yes, he set it up and searched it out...

Job 28, The Hebrew Bible

Dr. Hon To Hardy Chan

Lecturer (Fachbereich Mathematik)


Departement Mathematik und Informatik
Spiegelgasse 1
4051 Basel

Research associate (FG Lenzmann)


Spiegelgasse 1
4051 Basel


SNF Ambizione Fellow (PI)


Severo Ochoa Postdoctoral Fellow (ICMAT, Madrid)


ERC Postdoctoral Fellow (ETH Zurich)

Ph.D. (2018)

Dissertation "New solutions to local and non-local elliptic equations." under Juncheng Wei and Nassif Ghoussoub, University of British Columbia

M.Phil. (2013)

Thesis "Convergence of bounded solutions for nonlinear parabolic equations" under Kai-Seng Chou, Chinese University of Hong Kong

Nonlinear partial differential equations, semilinear elliptic equations, nonlocal equations, phase transitions, Yamabe problem, nonlocal minimal surfaces, construction of solutions, singular solutions, free boundary problems

Flatness of stable free boundary, classificaiton of stable nonlocal minimal surfaces, theory of nonlocal ODEs, fractional elliptic gluing scheme, new boundary singular phenomena

W. Ao, H. Chan, A. DelaTorre, M.A. Fontelos, M.d.M. Gonzalez, J. Wei. On higher-dimensional singularities for the fractional Yamabe problem: A nonlocal Mazzeo–Pacard program, Duke Math. J. 168 (2019), no. 17, 3297–3411.

H. Chan, X. Fernandez-Real, A. Figalli, J. Serra, Stable free boundaries in dimension 3:Allen–Cahn and Alt–Caffarelli, forthcoming.

H. Chan, S. Dipierro, J. Serra, E. Valdinoci. Nonlocal approximation of minimal surfaces: optimal estimates from stability, arXiv:2308.06328.

H. Chan, Y. Liu, J. Wei. Existence and instability of deformed catenoidal solutions for fractional Allen–Cahn equation, arXiv:1711.03215.