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Lecture Slides
No | Topic | Date | Slides |
A1 | Organizational Matters | 1.3. | screen print4 print1 |
A2 | Mathematical Foundations | 1.3. | screen print4 print1 |
A3 | Proof Techniques | 3.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B1 | Finite Automata | 8.3. | screen print4 print1 notebook |
B2 | Grammars | 10.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B3 | Regular Languages | 15.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B4 | Regular Languages: Closure Properties and Decidability | 17.3. | |
B5 | Regular Languages: Regular Expressions | 22.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B6 | Regular Languages: Pumping Lemma | 24.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B7 | Context-free Languages: Normal Form and PDA | 29.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B8 | Context-free Languages: Closure & Decidability | 31.3. | screen print4 print1 |
B9 | Turing Machines I | 7.4. | screen print4 print1 |
B10 | Turing Machines II | 12.4. | screen print4 print1 |
B11 | Type-0 and Type-1 Languages: Closure & Decidability | 12.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C1 | Turing Machines as Formal Model of Computation | 14.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C2 | Halting Problem | 19.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C3 | Turing-Computability | 21.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C4 | Reductions | 26.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C5 | Post Correspondence Problem | 26.4. | screen print4 print1 |
C6 | Rice's Theorem | 28.4. | screen print4 print1 |
D1 | Nondeterministic Algorithms, P and NP | 3.5. | screen print4 print1 |
D2 | Polynomial Reductions and NP-completeness | 5.5. | screen print4 print1 |
D3 | Proving NP-completeness | 10.5. | screen print4 print1 |
D4 | NP-complete Problems I | 12.5. | screen print4 print1 |
D5 | NP-complete Problems II | 17.5. | screen print4 print1 |
D6 | Beyond NP | 17.5. | screen print4 print1 |