General Assembly

The general assembly is the supreme organ of the department. It comprises all professors (members of group I including assistant professors), the managing director as well as three representatives of each of the groups II - IV according to the requirements of §8 of the regulations of the department

Members of the general assembly are (as of 15 February 2025):

Prof. Dr. Jiří ČernýMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Florina CiorbaComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Gianluca CrippaMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Ivan DokmanićComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Marcus GroteMathematicsDeputy Department chair
Prof. Dr. Philipp HabeggerMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Helmut HarbrechtMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Malte HelmertComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Enno LenzmannMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Aurelien LucchiComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Giusi MoffaMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Volker RothComputer ScienceDepartment chair
Prof. Dr. Chiara SaffirioMathematics 
Prof. Dr. Heiko SchuldtComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Christian TschudinComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Isabel WagnerComputer Science 
Prof. Dr. Susanna ZimmermannMathematics 
Christine Meier Managing director
Prof. Dr. Michael MerzActuarial ScienceRepresentative group II
Dr. Gabi RögerComputer ScienceRepresentative group II
Dr. Christine ZehrtMathematicsRepresentative group II
Rahel ArnoldComputer ScienceRepresentative group III
Carina SantosMathematicsRepresentative group III
Jim ZhaoComputer ScienceRepresentative group III
Dr. Heike FreibergerComputer ScienceRepresentative group IV
Barbara FridezMathematicsRepresentative group IV
Bas KinSystem administrationRepresentative group IV
Marcel KohliActuarial ScienceRepresentative group V
Amer MonirComputer ScienceRepresentative group V
Leonhard RothMathematicsRepresentative group V


Information on the group classification can be found in §4 of the University Statute (in German).