20 Mar 2024

Voltahalle, Ampèreplatz, 4056 Basel


Artificial Art – AI vs. Human Composers

In a "game show", human composers compete against AI compositions.


(Picture: AI generated, Interfinity/zvg)

Artificial intelligence is an important topic and has a lasting impact on our society. In an exciting three-part series, we take a close look at the possibilities of modern AI and its impact on art and society.

In a "game show", a human composer competes against an AI composition in each of five chapters. The audience hears two versions per chapter and piece and chooses which piece was AI and which was human. The pieces are composed in the style of Bach, Chopin, Messiaen, Bartok, Brahms and are played by a human ensemble (the ensemble also does not know which is human and which is AI).

In collaboration with the composition classes of the Basel University of Music, outstanding students compose the "human" part; the well-known Latvian composer Platons Buravickis "creates" the AI compositions. Fascinating visual arts by Luca Scarzella and Michele Innocente will accompany the performance.

The performance will be moderated and complemented by scientific intermezzi in collaboration with the Responsible Digital Society RDS research network at the University of Basel. At the aperitif afterwards, scientists from AI ethicists to AI medical researchers will mingle with the audience and look forward to answering questions about artificial intelligence.

The event will be opened with a speech by Conradin Cramer, member of the cantonal government. Please scan the QR code at the entrance to the Voltahalle to take part in the voting via smartphone.

Registration and tickets

Early Bird-Tickets "Artificial Art - Human Composers vs. AI" (incl. aperitif): 30 CHF normal price 20 CHF reduced (under 28 years). Free choice of seats.

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