10 Dec 2020
17:30  - 18:30

via Zoom

Fachbereich Informatik

Question and Answer Session with Turing Award Winner Leslie Lamport

All members of the department, especially students at all stages of their education, are more than welcome to join

As part of the Computer Science Bachelor seminar "Turing Award Winners and Their Contributions", the section of Computer Science is organizing a one-hour question and answer session with Turing Award Winner Leslie Lamport. The event is not limited to the seminar participants. All members of the department, especially students at all stages of their education, are more than welcome to join!

Leslie Lamport received the Turing Award in 2013. The award citation reads "for fundamental contributions to the theory and practice of distributed and concurrent systems, notably the invention of concepts such as causality and logical clocks, safety and liveness, replicated state machines, and sequential consistency". In addition to these core scientific contributions, he is also famous for inventing the LaTeX documentation preparation system.

In this Q&A session, we will ask him about his technical contributions and their impact, his views on the past, present and future of computer science, and his thoughts on scientific writing and life as a researcher. The session uses a moderated format and is based primarily on questions provided by the seminar participants. There will be an opportunity for the audience to ask live questions at the end.

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