Lecture Slides
No | Topic | Date | Slides |
0 | Organizational Matters | 18.2. | screen printer |
1 | Introduction | 18.2. | screen printer |
2 | Introduction: AI Past and Present | 20.2 | screen printer |
3 | Introduction: Rational Agents | 20.2. | screen printer |
4 | Introduction: Environments and Problem Solving Methods | 25.2. | screen printer |
5 | State-Space Search: State Spaces | 25.2. | screen printer |
6 | State-Space Search: Representation of State Spaces | 27.2. | screen printer |
7 | State-Space Search: Examples of State Spaces | 27.2. | screen printer |
8 | State-Space Search: Data Structures for Search Algorithms | 4.3. | screen printer |
9 | State-Space Search: Tree Search and Graph Search | 4.3. | screen printer |
10 | State-Space Search: Breadth-first Search | 6.3. | screen printer |
11 | State-Space Search: Uniform Cost Search | 6.3. | screen printer |
12 | State-Space Search: Depth-first Search & Iterative Deepening | 18.3. | screen printer |
13 | State-Space Search: Heuristics | 18.3. | screen printer |
14 | State-Space Search: Analysis of Heuristics | 20.3. | screen printer |
15 | State-Space Search: Best-first Graph Search | 20.3. | screen printer |
16 | State-Space Search: Greedy BFS, A*, Weighted A* | 25.3. | screen printer |
17 | State-Space Search: IDA* | 25.3. | screen printer |
18 | State-Space Search: Properties of A*, Part I | 27.3. | screen printer |
19 | State-Space Search: Properties of A*, Part II | 27.3. | screen printer |
20 | Combinatorial Optimization: Introduction and Hill-Climbing | 1.4. | screen printer |
21 | Combinatorial Optimization: Advanced Techniques | 1.4. | screen printer |
22 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Introduction and Examples | 3.4. | screen printer |
23 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Constraint Networks | 3.4. | screen printer |
24 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Backtracking | 8.4. | screen printer |
25 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Arc Consistency | 8.4. | screen printer |
26 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Path Consistency | 10.4. | screen printer |
27 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Constraint Graphs | 10.4. | screen printer |
28 | Constraint Satisfaction Problems: Decomposition Methods | 15.4. | screen printer |
29 | Propositional Logic: Basics | 15.4. | screen printer |
30 | Propositional Logic: Reasoning and Resolution | 17.4. | screen printer |
31 | Propositional Logic: DPLL Algorithm | 17.4. | screen printer |
32 | Propositional Logic: Local Search and Outlook | 24.4. | screen printer |
33 | Automated Planning: Introduction | 24.4. | screen printer |
34 | Automated Planning: Planning Formalisms | 29.4. | screen printer |
35 | Automated Planning: Delete Relaxation | 29.4. | screen printer |
36 | Automated Planning: Delete Relaxation Heuristics | 6.5. | screen printer |
37 | Automated Planning: Abstraction | 6.5. | screen printer |
38 | Automated Planning: Landmarks | 8.5. | screen printer |
39 | Automated Planning: Landmark Heuristics | 8.5. | screen printer |
40 | Board Games: Introduction and State of the Art | 15.5. | screen printer |
41 | Board Games: Minimax Search and Evaluation Functions | 15.5. | screen printer |
42 | Board Games: Alpha-Beta Search | 20.5. | screen printer |
43 | Monte-Carlo Tree Search: Introduction | 20.5. | screen printer |
44 | Monte-Carlo Tree Search: Advanced Topics | 22.5. | screen printer |
45 | AlphaGo and Outlook | 22.5. | screen printer |
46 | AI Group Introduction | 27.5. | screen |
No | Due Date | Files |
1 | 27.02.19 | Sheet |
2 | 06.03.19 | Sheet state-spaces.tar.gz |
3 | 20.03.19 | Sheet uniform-cost-search.tar.gz |
4 | 27.03.19 | Sheet |
5 | 03.04.19 | Sheet astar-search.tar.gz |
6 | 10.04.19 | Sheet hill-climbing.tar.gz |
7 | 17.04.19 | Sheet |
8 | 24.04.19 | Sheet cantons.dot |
9 | 01.05.19 | Sheet |
10 | 08.05.19 | Sheet bridges-once-domain.pddl koenigsberg-problem.pddl |
11 | 15.05.19 | Sheet haslum-et-al-aaai2007.pdf |
12 | 22.05.19 | Sheet |
Supplementary Material
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