27 Nov 2017
16:00  - 18:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Lecture Room 05.002

Seminar Analysis: Jérémy Sok (University of Basel)

Dirac operators with magnetic links


We consider Dirac operators on the 3-sphere with singular magnetic fields which are supported on links, that is on one-dimensional manifolds which are diffeomorphic to finitely many copies of S1. Each connected component carries a flux 2πα which exhibits a 2π-periodicity, just like Aharonov-Bohmsolenoids in the complex plane. We study the kernel of such operators through the spectral flow of loops corresponding to tuning some flux from 0 to 2π, that is the number of eigenvalues crossing 0 along the loop (counted algebraically). It turns out that the spectral flow is generically non-zero and depends on the shape of the curves and their linking number. Through the stereographic projection the result extends to R3. And then by smearing out the magnetic fields we obtain new solutions (ψ,A) to the zero-mode equation on R3:

(ψ,A) ∈ H1(R3)2 × \dot{H}1(R3)3 ∩ L6(R3)3,

where σ=(σ)j=1...3 denotes the family of the Pauli matrices, A is the magnetic potential associated to the magnetic field ∇×A, and σ⋅(-i∇+A) is the corresponding Dirac operator in R3.

(Joint work with Fabian Portmann and Jan Philip Solovej)

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