Archive Overview
Autumn Semester 2024
20 SEP | |
27 SEP | |
04 OCT | |
11 OCT |
18 OCT |
25 OCT | Andreas Veeser (University of Milan) |
01 NOV |
08 NOV | Jürgen Dölz (University of Bonn) |
15 NOV | Marco Picasso (EPFL) Anisotropic adaptive finite elements for steady and unsteady problems |
22 NOV | Infotag Bachelor |
29 NOV | Dies Academicus |
06 DEC | Alexandre Imperiale (CEA Paris-Saclay) A Gonzalez scheme for smooth nonlinear contact conditions in time-domain wave propagation problems |
13 DEC | Robert Scheichl (Heidelberg University) Multigrid Monte Carlo revisited: fast inference in high dimensions |
20 DEC | Ana Djurdjevac (FU Berlin) Quantitative approximation of particle systems through SPDEs |
Spring Semester 2024
01 MAR | - |
08 MAR | Symposium Prof. Algebra |
15 MAR | |
22 MAR |
29 MAR | Karfreitag |
05 APR |
12 APR |
19 APR | |
26 APR | |
03 MAY | Andreas Veeser (University of Milano) CANCELLED |
10 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt |
17 MAY |
24 MAY |
31 MAY | Philipp Trunschke (University of Nantes) |
Autumn Semester 2023
22 SEP | Robert Gruhlke (FU Berlin) Recent Advanced in Interacting particle methods for Bayesian Inference |
29 SEP | Rüdiger Kempf (U Bayreuth) A Kernel-based Multilevel Approximation Method for Higher-Dimensional Problems on Sparse Grids |
06 OCT | |
13 OCT | Markus Weimar (Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg) |
20 OCT | Marco Zank (U Wien) |
27 OCT | Carsten Gräser (FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg) |
03 NOV |
10 NOV | Larisa Beilina (University of Göteborg) |
17 NOV |
24 NOV | Dies Academicus |
01 DEC | |
08 DEC | Martin Vohralik (Inria Paris) A posteriori error estimates robust with respect to nonlinearities and final time |
15 DEC | Caroline Geiersbach (WIAS Berlin) Stochastic approximation for shape optimization under uncertainty |
22 DEC |
Spring Semester 2023
24 FEB | |
03 MAR | Fasnachtsferien |
10 MAR | |
17 MAR | Marc Dambrine (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour) Towards robustness in shape optimization |
24 MAR | |
31 MAR | |
07 APR | Ostern |
14 APR | Vesa Kaarnioja (FU Berlin) High-dimensional kernel approximation of parametric PDEs over lattice point sets |
21 APR | Omar Lakkis (University of Sussex) A least squares Hessian/Gradient recovery method for fully nonlinear PDEs in Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman form (joint work wit Amireh Mousavi) |
28 APR | Frédéric Nataf (CNRS — Université Pierre et Marie Curie) Adaptive Coarse Space for Saddle Point problem |
05 MAY | Elena Moral Sánchez (Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics) The cold-plasma model and simulation of wave propagation using B-Spline Finite Elements |
12 MAY | Martin Eigel (WIAS Berlin) Convergence of empirical Galerkin FEM for parametric PDEs with sparse TTs |
19 MAY | Auffahrt |
26 MAY | |
02 JUN |
Autumn Semester 2022
23 SEP | |
30 SEP | |
07 OCT | |
14 OCT | |
21 OCT | |
28 OCT | |
04 NOV | Naomi Schneider (Universität Siegen) Determination of a learnt best basis for two geoscientific inverse problems |
11 NOV | |
18 NOV | Alexey Chernov (Universität Oldenburg) On analytic and Gevrey class regularity for parametric elliptic eigenvalue problems (A. Chernov, T. Le) |
25 NOV | Dies Academicus |
02 DEC | Sébastien Imperiale (Inria — LMS, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS — Université Paris-Saclay, MΞDISIM) Stabilisation — using control theory — of spurious high frequencies for high-order discretisations of the wave equation |
09 DEC | Patrick Ciarlet (ENSTA Paris) T-coercivity: a practical tool for the study of variational formulations |
16 DEC | Christophe Geuzaine (Université de Liège) Non-reflecting boundary conditions and domain decomposition methods for industrial flow acoustics |
23 DEC |
Spring Semester 2022
25 FEB | --- |
04 MAR | --- |
11 MAR | Fasnachtsferien |
18 MAR | Markus Bachmayr (Universität Mainz) |
25 MAR | Stepan Shakhno (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv) |
01 APR | Johannes Pfefferer (Technische Universität München) |
08 APR | Ralf Hiptmair (ETH Zürich) |
15 APR | Ostern |
22 APR | Matthias Voigt (FernUni Schweiz) |
29 APR | --- |
06 MAY | --- |
13 MAY | --- |
20 MAY | Jens Saak (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems) |
27 MAY | Auffahrt |
03 JUN | --- |
Autumn Semester 2021
01 OCT | |
08 OCT | |
15 OCT | |
22 OCT | |
29 OCT | Jochen Garcke (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn) Machine Learning meets Numerical Simulation |
05 NOV | |
12 NOV | Rolf Krause (Università della Svizzera italiana) Scales of Knowledge - Multilevel Minimization in Scientific Computing and Machine Learning |
19 NOV | Jaap van der Vegt (Universiteit Twente) Positivity Preserving Limiters for Time-Implicit Higher Order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations |
26 NOV | Dies academicus |
03 DEC | Larisa Beilina (Chalmers tekniska högskola) Adaptive algorithms for solution of an electromagnetic volume integral equation with application to microwave thermometry |
10 DEC | Mike Botchev (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics) Residual and restarting in Krylov subspace evaluation of the φ function |
17 DEC | Eliane Bécache (POEMS, CNRS, INRIA, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris) Some results on Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) for non-dispersive and dispersive Maxwell’s equations |
Spring Semester 2021
05 MAR | |
12 MAR | |
19 MAR | |
26 MAR | |
02 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
09 APR | Barbara Kaltenbacher (Universität Klagenfurt), Nonlinear acoustics: time integration, optimization, and open domain problems |
16 APR | Guy Gilboa (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology), A Nonlinear Spectral Analysis of Gradient Flows |
23 APR | Markus Melenk (TU Wien), Wavenumber-explicit hp-FEM analysis for the Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous media |
30 APR | Pieter Barendrecht (KAUST), Splines in computer graphics and numerical methods |
07 MAY | Erik Burman (University College London), High order finite element methods for inverse initial value problems and wave propagation in heterogeneous media |
14 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension |
21 MAY | |
28 MAY | |
04 JUN | Ivan Dokmanić (Universität Basel), Waves, learning, and inverse problems |
Autumn Semester 2020
18 SEP | --- |
25 SEP | --- |
02 OCT | --- |
09 OCT | --- |
16 OCT | Jürgen Dölz (Universität Bonn),
An evolutionary, fast, and oblivious compression approach to Volterra integral operators |
23 OCT | --- |
30 OCT | Alfio Borzi (Universität Würzburg),
The Liouville equation, its extensions, and related optimal control problems |
06 NOV | --- |
13 NOV | Gilles Vilmart (Université de Genève),
Superconvergence of the Strang splitting when using the Crank-Nicolson scheme for parabolic PDEs with oblique boundary conditions |
20 NOV | Gabriel Lord (Radboud University Nijmegen),
Adaptive time-stepping for S(P)DEs with non-Lipschitz drift |
27 NOV | Dies Academicus |
04 DEC | Bastian von Harrach (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt),
Uniqueness and global convergence for a discretized inverse coefficient problem |
11 DEC | Heiko Gimperlein (Heriot-Watt University),
High-order finite element methods for the fractional Laplacian |
18 DEC | --- |
Spring Semester 2020
Due to the situation concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, it was decided to cancel all talks of our weekly research seminar in Numerical Analysis for this spring semester.
21 FEB | --- |
28 FEB | --- |
06 MAR | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel |
13 MAR | --- |
20 MAR | Marc Dambrine (Université de Pau) CANCELLED |
27 MAR | --- |
03 APR | --- |
10 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
17 APR | --- |
24 APR | Gilles Vilmart (Université de Genève) CANCELLED |
01 MAY | Tag der Arbeit --- Labour Day |
08 MAY | Bastian von Harrach (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) CANCELLED |
15 MAY | Jürgen Dölz (University of Twente) CANCELLED |
22 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension |
29 MAY | Gabriel Lord (Radboud University Nijmegen) CANCELLED |
Autumn Semester 2019
20 SEP | --- |
27 SEP | --- |
04 OCT | --- |
11 OCT | --- |
18 OCT | --- |
25 OCT | --- |
01 NOV | Giacomo De Souza (EPFL),
Multirate explicit stabilized integrators for stiff differential equations |
08 NOV | Omar Lakkis (University of Sussex),
Aposteriori error analysis and adaptive schemes for the wave equation |
15 NOV | Michael Multerer (USI Lugano),
Numerical aspects of elliptic diffusion problems on random domains |
22 NOV | --- |
29 NOV | Dies Academicus |
06 DEC | Ira Neitzel (Universität Bonn),
On error estimates for optimal control problems with functions of bounded variation |
13 DEC | Théophile Chaumont-Frelet (INRIA, Nice/Sophia Antipolis),
High order finite element discretizations of Helmholtz problems |
20 DEC | Kristin Kirchner (ETH Zürich),
Numerical methods for fractional PDEs with applications to spatial statistics |
Spring Semester 2019
22 FEB | Edwin Mai (Universität der Bundeswehr München),
A reduced SQP Method for Shape Optimisation of Flow Control Problems |
01 MAR | Markus Zimmermann (Technische Universität München),
Solution Spaces in Complex Systems Design |
08 MAR | --- |
15 MAR | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel |
22 MAR | Baselworld |
29 MAR | Robert Scheichl (Universität Heidelberg),
Multilevel Uncertainty Quantification with Sample-Adaptive Model Hierarchies |
05 APR | --- |
12 APR | Chris Stolk (University of Amsterdam),
Recent methods for solving the high-frequency Helmholtz equation on a regular mesh |
19 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
26 APR | EUCOR-Seminar (Strasbourg) |
03 MAY | Rémi Abgrall (Universität Zürich),
Some recent results on the approximation of conservation laws: revisiting the notion of conservation |
10 MAY | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (USI) |
17 MAY | Thomas Wihler (Universität Bern),
Adaptive Iterative Linearization Galerkin Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations |
24 MAY | Florian Faucher (Université de Pau),
Quantitative seismic imaging using reciprocity waveform inversion with arbitrary probing sources |
31 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
Autumn Semester 2018
21 SEP | -- |
28 SEP | -- |
05 OCT | nicht verfügbar --- not available |
12 OCT | -- |
19 OCT | Martin Rumpf (Universität Bonn),
Spline curves in Riemannian Shape Spaces |
26 OCT | -- |
02 NOV | Maryna Kachanovska (ENSTA ParisTech),
Transparent boundary conditions for sound propagation in human lungs, modelled by fractal trees |
09 NOV | Stefan Sauter (Universität Zürich),
Wavenumber-Explicit Analysis for High-Frequency Maxwell Equations |
16 NOV | Ludovic Métivier (Université Grenoble Alpes),
Optimal transport in seismic imaging based on full waveform inversion |
23 NOV | Assyr Abdulle (EPFL),
Probabilistic numerical methods, Bayesian inference and multiscale inverse problems |
30 NOV | Dies Academicus |
07 DEC | Zakaria Belhachmi (LMIA - Université de Haute-Alsace),
Geometry inpainting with preserving singularities and curvature |
14 DEC | Martin Burger (Universität Erlangen),
Nonlinear Spectral Decomposition |
21 DEC | nicht verfügbar --- not available |
Spring Semester 2018
02 MAR | --- |
09 MAR | --- |
16 MAR | --- |
23 MAR | Gregor Gantner (TU Wien),
Optimal adaptivity in finite and boundary element methods |
30 MAR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
06 APR | --- |
13 APR | Philipp Morgenstern (Leibniz Universität Hannover),
Mesh Refinement for T-splines in any dimension |
20 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (ETHZ) |
27 APR | Pierre-Henri Tournier (UPMC - University Pierre and Marie Curie),
Two-level Domain Decomposition preconditioners for Maxwell equations |
04 MAY | Jan Hamaekers (Fraunhofer SCAI),
An Adaptive Multiscale Approach for Electronic Structure Methods - |
11 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
18 MAY | Holger Fröning (Universität Heidelberg),
Machine Learning Driving Innovative Computing Concepts |
25 MAY | --- |
01 JUN | --- |
Autumn Semester 2017
22 SEP | --- |
29 SEP | --- |
06 OCT | Stephan Schmidt (Universität Würzburg),
SQP Methods for Shape Optimization Based on Weak Shape Hessians |
13 OCT | --- |
20 OCT | --- |
27 OCT | --- |
03 NOV | Herbert Egger (TU Darmstadt),
A Mixed Finite-Element Method for Gas Transport on Pipeline Networks |
10 NOV | Martin Eigel (WIAS Berlin),
Aspects of Adaptive Galerkin FEM for random PDEs |
17 NOV | --- |
24 NOV | Dies Academicus |
01 DEC | --- |
08 DEC | --- |
15 DEC | --- |
22 DEC | --- |
Spring Semester 2017
24 FEB | --- |
03 MAR | --- |
10 MAR | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel |
17 MAR | --- |
24 MAR | Jens Oettershagen (Universität Bonn),
Optimal integration in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces |
31 MAR | --- |
07 APR | Stefan Kurz (TU Darmstadt),
IGA BEM for Maxwell eigenvalue problems |
14 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
21 APR | Martin Hanke-Bourgeois (Universität Mainz),
Small volume asymptotics for elliptic equations and their use in impedance tomography |
28 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Basel) |
05 MAY | Sébastien Imperiale (INRIA),
Local time discretisation based on transmission problem for linear wave equations: construction and analysis. |
12 MAY | Anatole von Lilienfeld (Universität Basel),
Quantum Machine Learning (QML) |
19 MAY | --- |
26 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
Autumn Semester 2016
23 SEP | --- |
30 SEP | --- |
07 OCT | Fabio Baruffa (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, München),
Towards code modernization and porting on Intel many-core architecture: the story of Gadget code. |
14 OCT | --- |
21 OCT | Steffen Börm (Universität Kiel),
Hierarchical Tensor Approximation |
28 OCT | --- |
04 NOV | Thorsten Hohage (Universität Göttingen),
Verifiable conditions for convergence rates of regularization methods for inverse problems |
11 NOV | Peter Balazs (Institut für Schallforschung, Wien),
Non-stationary Gabor transform and Frame Representation of Operators |
18 NOV | Peter Zaspel (Universität Heidelberg / HITS),
Algorithmic patterns for hierarchical matrices on many-core processors |
25 NOV | Dies Academicus |
02 DEC | Xavier Antoine (Université de Lorraine),
Quasi-Optimal Schwarz Domain Decomposition Methods for Time Harmonic Waves |
09 DEC | Daniel Peterseim (Universität Bonn),
Numerical homogenization beyond periodicity and scale separation with applications to wave propagation in heterogeneous media |
16 DEC | Christian Rieger (Universität Bonn),
Reproducing kernel methods |
Spring Semester 2016
26 FEB | --- |
04 MAR | --- |
11 MAR | Symposium Adaptive Systems |
14-15 MAR | Workshop: Boundary Elements & Adaptivity |
25 MAR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
01 APR | --- |
08 APR | --- |
15 APR | --- |
22 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (Université de Fribourg and Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture Fribourg) |
29 APR | Andreas Rieder (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),
Model-aware Newton-solver for electrical impedance tomography |
06 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
13 MAY | Frédéric Nataf (CNRS Paris 6),
Robust Coarse Space Construction for Domain Decomposition Methods |
20 MAY | Julien Diaz (INRIA),
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for seismic imaging in frequency domain |
27 MAY | Ana Djurdjevac (FU Berlin),
Parabolic equations with random coefficients on moving hypersurfaces |
Autumn Semester 2015
01 SEP | Abdul-Lateef Haji-Ali (King Abdullah University),
Monte Carlo Methods and Mean Field Approximation for Stochastic Particle Systems |
18 SEP | --- |
25 SEP | Francois Bouchut (Université Paris-Est),
Conforming Approximations of Bingham Type Fluid Flows |
02 OCT | --- |
09 OCT | Andrea Barth (University of Stuttgart),
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for multiscale problems |
16 OCT | Wolfgang Hornfeck (DLR Köln),
Crystallographic Applications of Uniform Distribution Theory |
23 OCT | --- |
30 OCT | --- |
06 NOV | Sanna Mönkölä (University of Jyväskylä),
Controllability method for time-harmonic wave equations |
13 NOV | --- |
20 NOV | Stefan Sauter (University of Zürich),
Intrinsic Finite Element Methods |
01 DEC | Prof. M. Griebel (University of Bonn),
Dimension-adaptive sparse grid simulations of multiscale viscoelastic flows |
04 DEC | Sebastian Ullmann (TU Darmstadt),
Model order reduction with adaptive finite element POD and application to uncertainty quantification |
11 DEC | --- |
Spring Semester 2015
20 FEB | Timo Betcke (University College London),
BEM++ - Efficient solution of boundary integral equation problems |
27 FEB | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel |
06 MAR | nicht verfügbar --- not available |
13 MAR | --- |
20 MAR | Roland Griesmaier (Universität Würzburg),
One Shot Inverse Scattering and Source Splitting |
27 MAR | --- |
03 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
10 APR | --- |
17 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (Université de Genève) |
24 APR | David Cohen (Umeå University),
A fully discrete approximation of the one-dimensional stochastic waveequation |
01 MAY | Tag der Arbeit --- Labour Day |
08 MAY | Christian Stohrer (ENSTA ParisTech),
Analytical and Numerical Homogenization of Maxwell's Equations |
15 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
22 MAY | Stéphane Lanteri (Inria Sophia Antipolis),
Numerical modeling of light interaction with matter on the nanoscale using DGTD methods |
29 MAY | Victorita Dolean (University of Nice),
Schwarz Methods as Preconditioners for Non-linear Problems |
Autumn Semester 2014
19 SEP | --- |
26 SEP | --- |
03 OCT | --- |
10 OCT | Colloquium |
17 OCT | --- |
24 OCT | Juliette Chabassier (INRIA-Bordeaux),
Fourth order energy-preserving locally implicit discretization for linear wave equations. |
31 OCT | --- |
07 NOV | Frédéric Hecht (Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie Paris 6),
Some examples of numerical resolution of PDEs from the physics with FreeFem++ |
14 NOV | Wolfgang Wendland (Universität Stuttgart),
Minimal energy problems with hypersingular Riesz potentials |
21 NOV | Armin Iske (Universität Hamburg),
Ten good reasons for using kernel reconstructions in adaptive finite volume particle methods |
28 NOV | Dies Academicus |
05 DEC | Nakul Chitnis (Swiss Tropical Health Institute Basel),
Mathematical Models of Mosquito Population Dynamics and Malaria |
12 DEC | Olaf Schenk (Universita della Svizzera italiana),
Performance Engineering and Sparse Matrices: Introduction, applications and supercomputing |
19 DEC | Andrea Barth (Universität Stuttgart),
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for multiscale problems |
Spring Semester 2014
21 FEB | Marc Dambrine (Université de Pau),
From asymptotic analysis for simulation to generalized Ventcel's boundary value problem |
28 FEB | --- |
07 MAR | Fabio Nobile (EPFL),
Perturbation methods and low rank approximations for the Darcy equation with lognormal permeability |
14 MAR | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel |
21 MAR | --- |
28 MAR | --- |
04 APR | Volker Schulz (Universität Trier),
Shape Optimization in Applications and Some Novel Theoretical Approaches |
11 APR | --- |
18 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
25 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Zürich) |
02 MAY | --- |
09 MAY | Tucker Carrington (Queen's University Kingston),
Sparse grid quadrature and interpolation methods for solving the Schroedinger equation |
16 MAY | Valeriu Savcenco (Shell Global Solutions/ TU Eindhoven),
Analysis of explicit multirate Runge-Kutta schemes for conservation laws |
23 MAY | Kersten Schmidt (TU Berlin),
Numerical analysis of boundary element methods for impedance transmission conditions |
30 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
04 JUL | Luis Garcia Naranjo (UNAM, Mexico City),
Preservation of Volumes in Nonholonomic Mechanics |
Autumn Semester 2013
20 SEP | Colloquium |
27 SEP | --- |
04 OCT | Colloquium |
11 OCT | Maya de Buhan (Université Paris Descartes),
A new approach to solve the inverse scattering problem for the wave equation |
18 OCT | --- |
25 OCT | Ludovic Métivier (Université de Grenoble),
The Hessian operator in Full Waveform Inversion: quantitative imaging of complex subsurface structures |
01 NOV | --- |
08 NOV | --- |
15 NOV | Wim Vanroose (Universiteit Antwerpen),
Efficient multigrid calculation of the far field map of the Helmholtz equation |
22 NOV | Armin Lechleiter (Universität Bremen),
Inside-Outside Duality and Computation of Interior Eigenvalues from Far-Field Data |
29 NOV | Dies Academicus |
06 DEC | Mario S. Mommer (Universität Heidelberg),
On the robustification of optimum experimental design problems |
13 DEC | --- |
20 DEC | --- |
Spring Semester 2013
01 MAR | --- |
08 MAR | --- |
15 MAR | Thorsten Hohage (Universität Göttingen),
Block course Inverse Problems |
22 MAR | --- |
29 MAR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
05 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (EPFL) |
12 APR | Florian Loos (Universität der Bundeswehr München),
On the optimization of current carrying multicables |
19 APR | Wolfgang Wendland (Universität Stuttgart),
Collocation methods for nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems on doubly connected domains |
26 APR | --- |
03 MAY | Rüdiger Schultz (Universität Duisburg-Essen),
Stochastic Shape Optimization by Analogues from Operations Research |
10 MAY | Freitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day |
17 MAY | --- |
24 MAY | Angela Kunoth (Universität Paderborn),
Adaptive Approximations of Parametric PDE-Constrained Control Problems |
31 MAY | --- |
07 JUN | Daniel Alm (Universität Bonn),
Wavelet Galerkin BEM on unstructured meshes |
Autumn Semester 2012
21 SEP | --- |
28 SEP | Frédéric Nataf (Université Pierre et Marie Curie),
Applications of Time Reversed Absorbing Condition |
05 OCT | --- |
12 OCT | Stefan Volkwein (Universität Konstanz),
A posteriori error analysis for optimal control problems governed by partial differential equations |
19 OCT | Ostrowski-Preisverleihung |
26 OCT | Drosos Kourounis (Università della Svizzera italiana),
Adjoint methods for gradient-based optimization of oil recovery |
02 NOV | Dominik Schötzau (University of British Columbia),
A mixed finite element method with exactly divergence-free velocities for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics |
09 NOV | Sören Bartels (Universität Freiburg),
Finite element approximation of large bending isometries |
16 NOV | --- |
23 NOV | --- |
30 NOV | Dies Academicus |
07 DEC | Mike Botchev (University of Twente),
Exponential Krylov subspace time integration for electromagnetic modeling: some recent advances |
14 DEC | Ulrich Römer (TU Darmstadt),
On Uncertainties in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics |
21 DEC | --- |
Spring Semester 2012
24 FEB | --- |
02 MAR | Woche der Basler Fasnacht --- Basel Carneval Week |
09 MAR | Luca Frediani (University of Tromsø),
All-electron Density Functional Theory Calculations for atoms and molecules using Multiwavelets and Massively Parallel Architecture |
16 MAR | --- |
23 MAR | Reinhold Schneider (TU Berlin),
The QDMRG algorithm and recent advances in tensor approximation |
30 MAR | --- |
06 APR | Karfreitag --- Good Friday |
13 APR | Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Bern) |
20 APR | Ilario Mazzieri (MOX - Politecnico di Milano),
Non-conforming high order methods for seismic wave propagations in heterogeneous media |
27 APR | Daniel Kressner (EPFL),
Fast methods for computing pseudospectral quantities |
04 MAY | --- |
11 MAY | --- |
18 MAY | --- |
25 MAY | Wolfgang Bangerth (Texas A&M University),
Numerics for Inverse Problems in Biomedical Imaging |
01 JUN | Walter Gautschi (Purdue University),
Repeated modifications of orthogonal polynomials by linear divisors |
Autumn Semester 2011
For questions please contact
Viacheslav Karnaev