Archive Overview

Autumn Semester 2024

20 SEP 
27 SEP 
04 OCT 
11 OCT


18 OCT


25 OCT

Andreas Veeser (University of Milan)

Strictly equivalent a posteriori error estimators

01 NOV


08 NOV

Jürgen Dölz (University of Bonn)

On uncertainty quantification of eigenvalue problems

15 NOV

Marco Picasso (EPFL) 

Anisotropic adaptive finite elements for steady and unsteady problems

22 NOV

Infotag Bachelor

29 NOVDies Academicus
06 DEC

Alexandre Imperiale (CEA Paris-Saclay)

A Gonzalez scheme for smooth nonlinear contact conditions in time-domain wave propagation problems

13 DEC

Robert Scheichl (Heidelberg University)

Multigrid Monte Carlo revisited: fast inference in high dimensions

20 DEC

Ana Djurdjevac (FU Berlin)

Quantitative approximation of particle systems through SPDEs

Spring Semester 2024

01 MAR-
08 MARSymposium Prof. Algebra
15 MAR 
22 MAR


29 MAR


05 APR


12 APR


19 APR

Barbara Verfürth (University of Bonn)

26 APR

Malte Peter (University of Augsburg)

03 MAY

Andreas Veeser (University of Milano) CANCELLED

10 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt
17 MAY


24 MAY


31 MAYPhilipp Trunschke (University of Nantes)

Autumn Semester 2023

Spring Semester 2023

24 FEB 
03 MARFasnachtsferien
10 MAR 
17 MARMarc Dambrine (Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour)
Towards robustness in shape optimization
24 MAR 
31 MAR 
07 APROstern
14 APRVesa Kaarnioja (FU Berlin)
High-dimensional kernel approximation of parametric PDEs over lattice point sets
21 APROmar Lakkis (University of Sussex)
A least squares Hessian/Gradient recovery method for fully nonlinear PDEs in Hamilton–Jacobi–Bellman form (joint work wit Amireh Mousavi)
28 APRFrédéric Nataf (CNRS — Université Pierre et Marie Curie)
Adaptive Coarse Space for Saddle Point problem
05 MAYElena Moral Sánchez (Max-Planck Institute for Plasma Physics)
The cold-plasma model and simulation of wave propagation using B-Spline Finite Elements
12 MAYMartin Eigel (WIAS Berlin)
Convergence of empirical Galerkin FEM for parametric PDEs with sparse TTs
19 MAYAuffahrt
26 MAY 
02 JUN 

Autumn Semester 2022

23 SEP 
30 SEP 
07 OCT 
14 OCT 
21 OCT 
28 OCT 
04 NOVNaomi Schneider (Universität Siegen)
Determination of a learnt best basis for two geoscientific inverse problems
11 NOV 
18 NOVAlexey Chernov (Universität Oldenburg)
On analytic and Gevrey class regularity for parametric elliptic eigenvalue problems (A. Chernov, T. Le)
25 NOVDies Academicus
02 DECSébastien Imperiale (Inria — LMS, Ecole Polytechnique, CNRS — Université Paris-Saclay, MΞDISIM)
Stabilisation — using control theory — of spurious high frequencies for high-order discretisations of the wave equation
09 DECPatrick Ciarlet (ENSTA Paris)
T-coercivity: a practical tool for the study of variational formulations
16 DECChristophe Geuzaine (Université de Liège)
Non-reflecting boundary conditions and domain decomposition methods for industrial flow acoustics
23 DEC 

Spring Semester 2022

25 FEB---
04 MAR---
11 MARFasnachtsferien
18 MAR

Markus Bachmayr (Universität Mainz)
Optimality of adaptive stochastic Galerkin methods for affine-parametric elliptic PDEs

25 MAR

Stepan Shakhno (Ivan Franko National University of Lviv)
Combined iterative methods for solving nonlinear equations with nondifferentiable operators

01 APR

Johannes Pfefferer (Technische Universität München)
Introduction to finite element error estimates for optimal control problems with PDEs

08 APR

Ralf Hiptmair (ETH Zürich)
Adaptive Approximation of Shapes

15 APROstern
22 APR

Matthias Voigt (FernUni Schweiz)
Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Symmetric Second-Order Systems

29 APR---
06 MAY---
13 MAY---
20 MAY

Jens Saak (Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems)
Riccati-Feedback Stabilization of Optimal Control Problems with PDE Constraints

27 MAYAuffahrt
03 JUN---

Autumn Semester 2021

01 OCT 
08 OCT 
15 OCT 
22 OCT 
29 OCTJochen Garcke (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)
Machine Learning meets Numerical Simulation
05 NOV 
12 NOVRolf Krause (Università della Svizzera italiana)
Scales of Knowledge - Multilevel Minimization in Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
19 NOVJaap van der Vegt (Universiteit Twente)
Positivity Preserving Limiters for Time-Implicit Higher Order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations
26 NOVDies academicus
03 DECLarisa Beilina (Chalmers tekniska högskola)
Adaptive algorithms for solution of an electromagnetic volume integral equation with application to microwave thermometry
10 DECMike Botchev (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)
Residual and restarting in Krylov subspace evaluation of the φ function
17 DECEliane Bécache (POEMS, CNRS, INRIA, ENSTA Paris, Institut Polytechnique de Paris)
Some results on Perfectly Matched Layers (PML) for non-dispersive and dispersive Maxwell’s equations

Spring Semester 2021

05 MAR   
12 MAR 
19 MAR 
26 MAR 
02 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
09 APRBarbara Kaltenbacher (Universität Klagenfurt),
Nonlinear acoustics: time integration, optimization, and open domain problems
16 APRGuy Gilboa (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology),
A Nonlinear Spectral Analysis of Gradient Flows
23 APRMarkus Melenk (TU Wien),
Wavenumber-explicit hp-FEM analysis for the Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous media
30 APRPieter Barendrecht (KAUST),
Splines in computer graphics and numerical methods
07 MAYErik Burman (University College London),
High order finite element methods for inverse initial value problems and wave propagation in heterogeneous media
14 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension
21 MAY 
28 MAY 
04 JUNIvan Dokmanić (Universität Basel),
Waves, learning, and inverse problems

Autumn Semester 2020

18 SEP---
25 SEP---
02 OCT---
09 OCT---
16 OCTJürgen Dölz (Universität Bonn),
An evolutionary, fast, and oblivious compression approach to Volterra integral operators
23 OCT---
30 OCTAlfio Borzi (Universität Würzburg),
The Liouville equation, its extensions, and related optimal control problems
06 NOV---
13 NOVGilles Vilmart (Université de Genève),
Superconvergence of the Strang splitting when using the Crank-Nicolson scheme for parabolic PDEs with oblique boundary conditions
20 NOVGabriel Lord (Radboud University Nijmegen),
Adaptive time-stepping for S(P)DEs with non-Lipschitz drift
27 NOVDies Academicus
04 DECBastian von Harrach (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt),
Uniqueness and global convergence for a discretized inverse coefficient problem
11 DECHeiko Gimperlein (Heriot-Watt University),
High-order finite element methods for the fractional Laplacian
18 DEC---

Spring Semester 2020

Due to the situation concerning the Covid-19 pandemic, it was decided to cancel all talks of our weekly research seminar in Numerical Analysis for this spring semester.

21 FEB---
28 FEB---
06 MARWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel
13 MAR---
20 MARMarc Dambrine (Université de Pau) CANCELLED
27 MAR---
03 APR---
10 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
17 APR---
24 APRGilles Vilmart (Université de Genève) CANCELLED
01 MAYTag der Arbeit --- Labour Day
08 MAYBastian von Harrach (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) CANCELLED
15 MAYJürgen Dölz (University of Twente) CANCELLED
22 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension
29 MAYGabriel Lord (Radboud University Nijmegen) CANCELLED

Autumn Semester 2019

20 SEP---
27 SEP---
04 OCT---
11 OCT---
18 OCT---
25 OCT---
01 NOVGiacomo De Souza (EPFL),
Multirate explicit stabilized integrators for stiff differential equations
08 NOVOmar Lakkis (University of Sussex),
Aposteriori error analysis and adaptive schemes for the wave equation
15 NOVMichael Multerer (USI Lugano),
Numerical aspects of elliptic diffusion problems on random domains
22 NOV---
29 NOVDies Academicus
06 DECIra Neitzel (Universität Bonn),
On error estimates for optimal control problems with functions of bounded variation
13 DECThéophile Chaumont-Frelet (INRIA, Nice/Sophia Antipolis),
High order finite element discretizations of Helmholtz problems
20 DECKristin Kirchner (ETH Zürich),
Numerical methods for fractional PDEs with applications to spatial statistics

Spring Semester 2019

22 FEBEdwin Mai (Universität der Bundeswehr München),
A reduced SQP Method for Shape Optimisation of Flow Control Problems
01 MARMarkus Zimmermann (Technische Universität München),
Solution Spaces in Complex Systems Design
08 MAR---
15 MARWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel
22 MARBaselworld
29 MARRobert Scheichl (Universität Heidelberg),
Multilevel Uncertainty Quantification with Sample-Adaptive Model Hierarchies
05 APR---
12 APRChris Stolk (University of Amsterdam),
Recent methods for solving the high-frequency Helmholtz equation on a regular mesh
19 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
26 APREUCOR-Seminar (Strasbourg)
03 MAYRémi Abgrall (Universität Zürich),
Some recent results on the approximation of conservation laws: revisiting the notion of conservation
10 MAY Schweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (USI)
17 MAYThomas Wihler (Universität Bern),
Adaptive Iterative Linearization Galerkin Methods for Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations
24 MAYFlorian Faucher (Université de Pau),
Quantitative seismic imaging using reciprocity waveform inversion with arbitrary probing sources
31 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day

Autumn Semester 2018

21 SEP--
28 SEP--
05 OCTnicht verfügbar --- not available
12 OCT--
19 OCTMartin Rumpf (Universität Bonn),
Spline curves in Riemannian Shape Spaces
26 OCT--
02 NOVMaryna Kachanovska (ENSTA ParisTech),
Transparent boundary conditions for sound propagation in human lungs, modelled by fractal trees
09 NOVStefan Sauter (Universität Zürich),
Wavenumber-Explicit Analysis for High-Frequency Maxwell Equations
16 NOVLudovic Métivier (Université Grenoble Alpes),
Optimal transport in seismic imaging based on full waveform inversion
23 NOVAssyr Abdulle (EPFL),
Probabilistic numerical methods, Bayesian inference and multiscale inverse problems
30 NOVDies Academicus
07 DECZakaria Belhachmi (LMIA - Université de Haute-Alsace),
Geometry inpainting with preserving singularities and curvature
14 DECMartin Burger (Universität Erlangen),
Nonlinear Spectral Decomposition
21 DECnicht verfügbar --- not available

Spring Semester 2018

02 MAR---
09 MAR---
16 MAR---
23 MARGregor Gantner (TU Wien),
Optimal adaptivity in finite and boundary element methods
30 MARKarfreitag --- Good Friday
06 APR---
13 APRPhilipp Morgenstern (Leibniz Universität Hannover),
Mesh Refinement for T-splines in any dimension
20 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (ETHZ)
27 APRPierre-Henri Tournier (UPMC - University Pierre and Marie Curie),
Two-level Domain Decomposition preconditioners for Maxwell equations
04 MAYJan Hamaekers (Fraunhofer SCAI),
An Adaptive Multiscale Approach for Electronic Structure Methods -
11 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day
18 MAYHolger Fröning (Universität Heidelberg),
Machine Learning Driving Innovative Computing Concepts
25 MAY---
01 JUN---

Autumn Semester 2017

22 SEP---
29 SEP---
06 OCTStephan Schmidt (Universität Würzburg),
SQP Methods for Shape Optimization Based on Weak Shape Hessians
13 OCT---
20 OCT---
27 OCT---
03 NOVHerbert Egger (TU Darmstadt),
A Mixed Finite-Element Method for Gas Transport on Pipeline Networks
10 NOVMartin Eigel (WIAS Berlin),
Aspects of Adaptive Galerkin FEM for random PDEs
17 NOV---
24 NOVDies Academicus
01 DEC---
08 DEC---
15 DEC---
22 DEC---

Spring Semester 2017

24 FEB---
03 MAR---
10 MARWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel
17 MAR ---
24 MARJens Oettershagen (Universität Bonn),
Optimal integration in reproducing kernel Hilbert spaces
31 MAR---
07 APRStefan Kurz (TU Darmstadt),
IGA BEM for Maxwell eigenvalue problems
14 APR Karfreitag --- Good Friday
21 APRMartin Hanke-Bourgeois (Universität Mainz),
Small volume asymptotics for elliptic equations and their use in impedance tomography
28 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Basel)
05 MAYSébastien Imperiale (INRIA),
Local time discretisation based on transmission problem for linear wave equations: construction and analysis.
12 MAYAnatole von Lilienfeld (Universität Basel),
Quantum Machine Learning (QML)
19 MAY---
26 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day

Autumn Semester 2016

23 SEP---
30 SEP---
07 OCT Fabio Baruffa (Leibniz-Rechenzentrum, München),
Towards code modernization and porting on Intel many-core architecture: the story of Gadget code.
14 OCT---
21 OCTSteffen Börm (Universität Kiel),
Hierarchical Tensor Approximation
28 OCT---
04 NOVThorsten Hohage (Universität Göttingen),
Verifiable conditions for convergence rates of regularization methods for inverse problems
11 NOVPeter Balazs (Institut für Schallforschung, Wien),
Non-stationary Gabor transform and Frame Representation of Operators
18 NOVPeter Zaspel (Universität Heidelberg / HITS),
Algorithmic patterns for hierarchical matrices on many-core processors
25 NOVDies Academicus
02 DEC Xavier Antoine (Université de Lorraine),
Quasi-Optimal Schwarz Domain Decomposition Methods for Time Harmonic Waves
09 DECDaniel Peterseim (Universität Bonn),
Numerical homogenization beyond periodicity and scale separation with applications to wave propagation in heterogeneous media
16 DECChristian Rieger (Universität Bonn),
Reproducing kernel methods

Spring Semester 2016

26 FEB---
04 MAR---
11 MARSymposium Adaptive Systems
14-15 MARWorkshop: Boundary Elements & Adaptivity
25 MARKarfreitag --- Good Friday
01 APR---
08 APR---
15 APR---
22 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (Université de Fribourg and Haute école d’ingénierie et d’architecture Fribourg)
29 APRAndreas Rieder (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology),
Model-aware Newton-solver for electrical impedance tomography
06 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day
13 MAYFrédéric Nataf (CNRS Paris 6),
Robust Coarse Space Construction for Domain Decomposition Methods
20 MAYJulien Diaz (INRIA),
Discontinuous Galerkin Method for seismic imaging in frequency domain
27 MAYAna Djurdjevac (FU Berlin),
Parabolic equations with random coefficients on moving hypersurfaces

Autumn Semester 2015

01 SEPAbdul-Lateef Haji-Ali (King Abdullah University),
Monte Carlo Methods and Mean Field Approximation for Stochastic Particle Systems
18 SEP---
25 SEPFrancois Bouchut (Université Paris-Est),
Conforming Approximations of Bingham Type Fluid Flows
02 OCT---
09 OCTAndrea Barth (University of Stuttgart),
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for multiscale problems
16 OCTWolfgang Hornfeck (DLR Köln),
Crystallographic Applications of Uniform Distribution Theory
23 OCT---
30 OCT---
06 NOVSanna Mönkölä (University of Jyväskylä),
Controllability method for time-harmonic wave equations
13 NOV---
20 NOVStefan Sauter (University of Zürich),
Intrinsic Finite Element Methods
01 DECProf. M. Griebel (University of Bonn),
Dimension-adaptive sparse grid simulations of multiscale viscoelastic flows
04 DECSebastian Ullmann (TU Darmstadt),
Model order reduction with adaptive finite element POD and application to uncertainty quantification
11 DEC---

Spring Semester 2015

20 FEBTimo Betcke (University College London),
BEM++ - Efficient solution of boundary integral equation problems
27 FEBWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel
06 MARnicht verfügbar --- not available
13 MAR---
20 MARRoland Griesmaier (Universität Würzburg),
One Shot Inverse Scattering and Source Splitting
27 MAR---
03 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
10 APR---
17 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (Université de Genève)
24 APRDavid Cohen (Umeå University),
A fully discrete approximation of the one-dimensional stochastic waveequation
01 MAYTag der Arbeit --- Labour Day
08 MAYChristian Stohrer (ENSTA ParisTech),
Analytical and Numerical Homogenization of Maxwell's Equations
15 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day
22 MAYStéphane Lanteri (Inria Sophia Antipolis),
Numerical modeling of light interaction with matter on the nanoscale using DGTD methods
29 MAYVictorita Dolean (University of Nice),
Schwarz Methods as Preconditioners for Non-linear Problems

Autumn Semester 2014

19 SEP---
26 SEP---
03 OCT---
10 OCTColloquium
17 OCT---
24 OCTJuliette Chabassier (INRIA-Bordeaux),
Fourth order energy-preserving locally implicit discretization for linear wave equations.
31 OCT---
07 NOVFrédéric Hecht (Université Pierre-et-Marie Curie Paris 6),
Some examples of numerical resolution of PDEs from the physics with FreeFem++
14 NOVWolfgang Wendland (Universität Stuttgart),
Minimal energy problems with hypersingular Riesz potentials
21 NOVArmin Iske (Universität Hamburg),
Ten good reasons for using kernel reconstructions in adaptive finite volume particle methods
28 NOVDies Academicus
05 DECNakul Chitnis (Swiss Tropical Health Institute Basel),
Mathematical Models of Mosquito Population Dynamics and Malaria
12 DECOlaf Schenk (Universita della Svizzera italiana),
Performance Engineering and Sparse Matrices: Introduction, applications and supercomputing
19 DECAndrea Barth (Universität Stuttgart),
Multilevel Monte Carlo methods for multiscale problems

Spring Semester 2014

21 FEBMarc Dambrine (Université de Pau),
From asymptotic analysis for simulation to generalized Ventcel's boundary value problem
28 FEB---
07 MARFabio Nobile (EPFL),
Perturbation methods and low rank approximations for the Darcy equation with lognormal permeability
14 MARWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Week of Carnival in Basel
21 MAR---
28 MAR---
04 APRVolker Schulz (Universität Trier),
Shape Optimization in Applications and Some Novel Theoretical Approaches
11 APR---
18 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
25 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Zürich)
02 MAY---
09 MAYTucker Carrington (Queen's University Kingston),
Sparse grid quadrature and interpolation methods for solving the Schroedinger equation
16 MAYValeriu Savcenco (Shell Global Solutions/ TU Eindhoven),
Analysis of explicit multirate Runge-Kutta schemes for conservation laws
23 MAYKersten Schmidt (TU Berlin),
Numerical analysis of boundary element methods for impedance transmission conditions
30 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day
04 JULLuis Garcia Naranjo (UNAM, Mexico City),
Preservation of Volumes in Nonholonomic Mechanics

Autumn Semester 2013

20 SEPColloquium
27 SEP---
04 OCTColloquium
11 OCTMaya de Buhan (Université Paris Descartes),
A new approach to solve the inverse scattering problem for the wave equation
18 OCT---
25 OCTLudovic Métivier (Université de Grenoble),
The Hessian operator in Full Waveform Inversion: quantitative imaging of complex subsurface structures
01 NOV---
08 NOV---
15 NOVWim Vanroose (Universiteit Antwerpen),
Efficient multigrid calculation of the far field map of the Helmholtz equation
22 NOVArmin Lechleiter (Universität Bremen),
Inside-Outside Duality and Computation of Interior Eigenvalues from Far-Field Data
29 NOVDies Academicus
06 DECMario S. Mommer (Universität Heidelberg),
On the robustification of optimum experimental design problems
13 DEC---
20 DEC---

Spring Semester 2013

01 MAR---
08 MAR---
15 MARThorsten Hohage (Universität Göttingen),
Block course Inverse Problems
22 MAR---
29 MARKarfreitag --- Good Friday
05 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (EPFL)
12 APRFlorian Loos (Universität der Bundeswehr München),
On the optimization of current carrying multicables
19 APRWolfgang Wendland (Universität Stuttgart),
Collocation methods for nonlinear Riemann-Hilbert problems on doubly connected domains
26 APR---
03 MAYRüdiger Schultz (Universität Duisburg-Essen),
Stochastic Shape Optimization by Analogues from Operations Research
10 MAYFreitag nach Auffahrt --- Friday after Ascension Day
17 MAY---
24 MAYAngela Kunoth (Universität Paderborn),
Adaptive Approximations of Parametric PDE-Constrained Control Problems
31 MAY---
07 JUNDaniel Alm (Universität Bonn),
Wavelet Galerkin BEM on unstructured meshes

Autumn Semester 2012

21 SEP---
28 SEPFrédéric Nataf (Université Pierre et Marie Curie),
Applications of Time Reversed Absorbing Condition
05 OCT---
12 OCTStefan Volkwein (Universität Konstanz),
A posteriori error analysis for optimal control problems governed by partial differential equations
19 OCTOstrowski-Preisverleihung
26 OCTDrosos Kourounis (Università della Svizzera italiana),
Adjoint methods for gradient-based optimization of oil recovery
02 NOVDominik Schötzau (University of British Columbia),
A mixed finite element method with exactly divergence-free velocities for incompressible magnetohydrodynamics
09 NOVSören Bartels (Universität Freiburg),
Finite element approximation of large bending isometries
16 NOV---
23 NOV---
30 NOVDies Academicus
07 DECMike Botchev (University of Twente),
Exponential Krylov subspace time integration for electromagnetic modeling: some recent advances
14 DECUlrich Römer (TU Darmstadt),
On Uncertainties in Low-Frequency Electromagnetics
21 DEC---

Spring Semester 2012

24 FEB---
02 MARWoche der Basler Fasnacht --- Basel Carneval Week
09 MARLuca Frediani (University of Tromsø),
All-electron Density Functional Theory Calculations for atoms and molecules using Multiwavelets and Massively Parallel Architecture
16 MAR---
23 MARReinhold Schneider (TU Berlin),
The QDMRG algorithm and recent advances in tensor approximation
30 MAR---
06 APRKarfreitag --- Good Friday
13 APRSchweizer Numerik Kolloquium -- Swiss Numerics Colloquium (University of Bern)
20 APRIlario Mazzieri (MOX - Politecnico di Milano),
Non-conforming high order methods for seismic wave propagations in heterogeneous media
27 APRDaniel Kressner (EPFL),
Fast methods for computing pseudospectral quantities
04 MAY---
11 MAY---
18 MAY---
25 MAYWolfgang Bangerth (Texas A&M University),
Numerics for Inverse Problems in Biomedical Imaging
01 JUNWalter Gautschi (Purdue University),
Repeated modifications of orthogonal polynomials by linear divisors

Autumn Semester 2011

For questions please contact

Viacheslav Karnaev