Vergangene Events Mathematik

11 Apr 2024

Spiegelgasse 5, Raum 05.002

Kolloquium / Seminar

Perlen-Kolloquium: Prof. Roman Shvydkoy (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Global relaxation for kinetic alignment models and the problem of emergence arising in systems of collective behavior
14 Mär 2024

Spiegelgasse 5, Raum 05.002

Kolloquium / Seminar

Perlen-Kolloquium: Prof. Jean-Pierre Eckmann (Universität Genf)

Tumbling Downhill along a Given Curve
20 Okt 2023

Kollegienhaus, HS 115

Doktoratskolloquium Mathematik: Gerold Schefer

Ih's conjecture and logarithmic equidistribution
12 Okt 2023

Spiegelgasse 5, Raum 05.002

Kolloquium / Seminar

Doktoratskolloquium Mathematik: Yannik Gleichmann

Adaptive Spectral Inversion for Inverse Medium Problems
21 Sep 2023

Universität Basel Departement Mathematik und Informatik Seminarraum 05.002 (Spiegelgasse 5)

Öffentliche Veranstaltung, Habilitationsvorlesung

Habilitationsvorlesung von PD Dr. Immanuel van Santen

Embeddings and Automorphisms in Affine Algebraic Geometry
27 Apr 2023

Departement Mathematik und Informatik, Spiegelgasse 5, Basel, 5. OG, Seminarraum 05.002

Fachbereich Mathematik

Perlen-Kolloquium: Dr. Frank Bretz (Novartis)

Optimal test procedures for multiple hypotheses controlling the familywise expected loss
27 Jan 2023

Vor Ort oder via MS Teams

WMI Mathematics Kolloquium

Prof. Dr. Gianluca Crippa: Anomalous dissipation in fluid dynamics
26 Nov 2020

via Zoom

Fachbereich Mathematik

Perlen-Kolloquium: Prof. Dr. Emil Wiedemann (Universität Ulm)

Convex Integration in a Nutshell
13 Feb 2020

Alte Universität, Hörsaal -101, Rheinsprung 9, 4051 Basel

Verleihung des Ostrowski Preis 2019

Öffentliche Veranstaltung
17 Jan 2020 - 18 Jan 2020
18:00  - 02:00

Barfüsserkirche, Barfüsserplatz 7, 4051 Basel

DBIS Forschungsgruppe bei der Basler Museumsnacht

Münsterschatz im Virtuellen Museum
25 Feb 2020
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Anne Lonjou (Universität Basel)

Actions of Cremona groups on CAT(0) cube complexes.
09 Dez 2019
15:00  - 16:30

Spiegelgasse 5, 05.002

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Michel van Garrel (Warwick)

Prelog Chow rings and stable rationality in semistable degenerations
03 Dez 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Erik Paemurru (University of Loughborough)

Birational models of terminal sextic double solids
26 Nov 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Carlos Amendola (University of Munich)

Maximum Likelihood Estimation of Toric Fano Varieties
12 Nov 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Enrica Mazzon (Imperial College)

Dual complexes of degenerations and Berkovich geometry
05 Nov 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Shengyuan Zhao (University of Rennes)

Birational Kleinian groups and birational structures
29 Okt 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Stavros Papadakis (University of Ioannina)

Graded Rings and Birational Geometry
15 Okt 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Tomasz Pełka (University of Bern)

ℚ-homology planes satisfying the Negativity Conjecture
08 Okt 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Seminarraum 00.003

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Christian Urech (EPFL)

On continuous automorphisms of Cremona groups
03 Jul 2019
10:30  - 12:00

Spiegelgasse 5 - Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Algebra and Geometry: Stéphane Lamy (Université de Toulouse)

Finite subgroups of tame polynomial automorphisms
11 Apr 2024
09:30  - 16:10

Kollegienhaus, Hörsaal 120

Veranstaltungen, Kolloquium / Seminar

Rhine Seminar on Transcendence Basel-Freiburg-Strasbourg

Fifth Meeting
10 Nov 2023 - 11 Nov 2023
14:00  - 11:30

HS -101, Alte Universität, Rheinsprung 9, Universität Basel

Philipp Habegger (Unibas), Özlem Imamoglu (ETHZ), Philippe Michel (EPFL), Maryna Viazovska (EPFL)

Kongress / Tagung / Symposium

Number Theory Days 2023

Speakers: Anna Cadoret (Sorbonne Université), Pierre Colmez (CNRS, Sorbonne Université), Vesselin Dimitrov (Georgia Institute of Technology), Javier Fresán (Sorbonne Université), Kaisa Matomäki (University of Turku)
26 Mai 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Yunqing Tang (Princeton University)

Applications of arithmetic holonomicity theorems
19 Mai 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Jeffrey Vaaler (University of Texas at Austin)

Schinzel's determinant inequality and a conjecture of F. Rodriguez Villegas
12 Mai 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Robert Charles Vaughan (Pennsylvania State University)

Generalizations of the Montgomery-Hooley asymptotic formula; A survey.
05 Mai 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Levent Alpöge (Harvard University)

On integers which are(n't) the sum of two rational cubes
28 Apr 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Andrew Granville (Université de Montréal)

Linear Divisibility sequences
21 Apr 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Joni Teräväinen (University of Turku)

Short exponential sums of the primes
14 Apr 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Ram Murty (Queen's University)

Probability Theory and the Riemann Hypothesis
07 Apr 2022
17:00  - 18:00

Zoom: register here:

Gastvorlesung / Vortrag

Number Theory Web Seminar: Ana Caraiani (Imperial College London)

On the cohomology of Shimura varieties with torsion coefficients
22 Mai 2024
14:15  - 15:15

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Christof Sparber (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Ground state (in-)stability and long-time behavior in multi-dimensional Schrödinger equations
15 Mai 2024
15:15  - 16:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Min Jun Jo (Duke University)

Cusp formation of singular vortex patches
15 Mai 2024
14:15  - 15:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Riccardo Tione (MPI Leipzig)

Rigidity of critical points of degenerate polyconvex energies
08 Mai 2024
14:15  - 16:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Christoph Kehle (ETH Zürich)

The third law of black hole thermodynamics and the black hole formation threshold
24 Apr 2024
14:15  - 15:15

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Louise Gassot (IRMAR, Rennes)

Zero-dispersion limit for the Benjamin-Ono Equation
17 Apr 2024
14:15  - 16:00

Online via Zoom

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Anuj Kumar (UC Berkeley)

Sharp nonuniqueness of the transport equation with Sobolev vector fields
10 Apr 2024
14:15  - 16:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Roman Shvydkoy (University of Illinois at Chicago)

Volumetric approach to intermittency in fully developed turbulence
03 Apr 2024
14:15  - 16:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminarraum 05.002

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Vikram Giri (ETH Zürich)

Newton-Nash iterations in PDE
27 Mär 2024
14:15  - 15:30

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Marcello Porta (SISSA)

Dynamics of mean-field Fermi systems with nonzero pairing
20 Mär 2024
14:15  - 16:15

Seminar Analysis and Mathematical Physics: Norbert J. Mauser (WPI and MMM c/o Univ. Wien)

Model hierarchies in semiclassical semi-relativistic quantum physics: From Dirac-Maxwell to Euler-Poisson
10 Dez 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Mike Botchev (Keldysh Institute of Applied Mathematics)

Residual and restarting in Krylov subspace evaluation of the φ function
03 Dez 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Larisa Beilina (Chalmers tekniska högskola)

Adaptive algorithms for solution of an electromagnetic volume integral equation with application to microwave thermometry
19 Nov 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Jaap van der Vegt (Universiteit Twente)

Positivity Preserving Limiters for Time-Implicit Higher Order Accurate Discontinuous Galerkin Discretizations
12 Nov 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Rolf Krause (Università della Svizzera italiana)

Scales of Knowledge - Multilevel Minimization in Scientific Computing and Machine Learning
29 Okt 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Jochen Garke (Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn)

Machine Learning meets Numerical Simulation
04 Jun 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Ivan Dokmanić (Universität Basel)

Waves, learning, and inverse problems
07 Mai 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Erik Burman (University College London)

High order finite element methods for inverse initial value problems and wave propagation in heterogeneous media
30 Apr 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Pieter Barendrecht (KAUST)

Splines in computer graphics and numerical methods
23 Apr 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Markus Melenk (TU Wien)

Wavenumber-explicit hp-FEM analysis for the Helmholtz equation in heterogeneous media
16 Apr 2021
11:00  - 12:00

Seminar in Numerical Analysis: Guy Gilboa (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)

A Nonlinear Spectral Analysis of Gradient Flows
18 Dez 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 00.003

Seminar in probability theory: Nicolas Macris (EPFL)

Optimal errors and phase transitions in high-dimensional generalised linear models
18 Dez 2019

Spiegelgasse 1 Room 05.002

Seminar in probability theory: Debapratim Banerjee (ISI, Kolkata)

Fluctuation of the free energy of Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model with Curie-Weiss interaction: the paramagnetic regime
11 Dez 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 00.003

Seminar in probability theory: Daniele Tantari (Scuola Normale Superiore)

Direct/Inverse Hopfield model and Restricted Boltzmann Machines
06 Nov 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 00.003

Seminar in probability theory: Razvan Gurau (CNRS)

Invitation to random tensors
30 Okt 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 00.003

Seminar in probability theory: Alain-Sol Sznitman (ETH Zurich)

On bulk deviations for the local behavior of random interlacements
17 Jun 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 05.001

Seminar in probability theory: Shuta Nakajima (University of Nagoya)

Gaussian fluctuations in directed polymers
15 Mai 2019

Spiegelgasse 5, Room 05.002

Seminar in probability theory: Augusto Teixeira (IMPA)

Random walk on a simple exclusion process
08 Mai 2019

Seminar in probability theory: Roland Bauerschmidt (University of Cambridge)

The geometry of random walk isomorphisms
15 Apr 2019

Seminar in probability theory: Marilou Gabrié (ENS)

Theory of Deep Learning 5: Information theoretic approach to deep learning theory: a test using statistical physics methods
10 Apr 2019

Seminar in probability theory: Lenaïc Chizat (Université Paris-Sud)

Theory of Deep Learning 4: Training Neural Networks in the Lazy and Mean Field Regimes
27 Mai 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Seminarraum 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Valentyna Pavliv (Basel)

No Transparency for Smart Toys
13 Mai 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Alessandro Violini (University of Basel)

Nash's isometric embedding
06 Mai 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Luca Ferrigno (Roma Tre University)

An introduction to Unlikely Intersections
22 Apr 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Giulia Mescolini (EPFL)

Self-similar solutions for the forced 3D Navier–Stokes Equations
15 Apr 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Beat Zurbuchen (ETHZ)

Automorphic forms in Number Theory
08 Apr 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Christoph Brackenhofer (University of Freiburg)

Periods and o-minimality
18 Mär 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Spiegelgasse 5, Seminar Room 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Jinghao Cao (ETH Zürich)

Wave interaction with subwavelength resonators
11 Mär 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Seminarraum 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Matteo Nesi (University of Basel)

Riemann’s Uniformization Theorem
04 Mär 2024
12:15  - 13:00

Seminarraum 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Tobias Bisang (University of Basel)

Roots of Unity Solving Polynomial Equations: Manin-Mumford
18 Dez 2023
12:15  - 13:00

Seminarraum 05.002

Bernoullis Tafelrunde: Jim Zhao (University of Basel)

Cubic Regularized Subspace Newton for Non-convex Optimization